Chasing Possibility

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Here you can find all kinds of out of school activities and accessible vendors, that would be happy to do whatever they can to accommodate you child and their needs.  Some of these programs are specific to special needs, are fun activities with Physical Therapy incorporated, and some are just other providers that would like to help and they are will to do the best they can to accommodate your child in their facility. 


adaptive sports foundation windham ny

Adaptive Sports Foundation

The Adaptive Sports Foundation (ASF) is a non-profit organization that provides experiences for children and adults with physical and cognitive disabilities and chronic illnesses through outdoor physical activity. ASF students are five years of age and older and live with disabilities ranging from relatively mild learning disabilities to more severe disabilities such as paralysis, autism, amputation, cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injury.  Their winter program includes skiing and snowboarding, even if the student his completely dependent physically they will accommodate. And their summer program is more tailored for adults with physical or metal needs, such and vets to help them find a healthy and judgement free outlet to experience nature this program includes golfing and biking.

Southampton Fresh Air Home

This is a summer camp for children ages 8-18 that are physically challenged. They have three sessions a per summer: 3 week, 1 week, 3 week.  It is a sleep away camp with swimming, games, trips, and regular events.  They are fully prepared for their children’s unique needs including providing PT as prescribed or sometimes school work packets.  Their entire facility is tailored for the physically challenged including boarding and bathrooms. 

special needs activities nyc

CPW Teen Social Club

Cerebral Palsy of Westchester with The Mid Westchester Elks Lodge created a Social Club for Teens and young adults.  The respite program provide a community setting for socialization.  They have movie nights, parties, barbecues, go on trips to NYC, and more. 

Miracle League of Westchester

The Miracle League of Westchester is a baseball programs for people of all ages with disabilities. Their objective is to provide an opportunity for individuals to experience the joy and benefits that come from playing baseball.  They also host a wide variety of events from dances, bowling, and holiday parties if you join their email list.   

“Our aims are to help the league’s players develop social skills and increase self-esteem while promoting the community support and sponsorship for the league. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to play baseball.”

Julies Jungle

Julie’s Jungle helps give all children the opportunity to participate in outdoor physical activities from which they would otherwise be excluded.  Their playground is very accessible for all children (including  those with visual, hearing, cognitive, or physical impairments) and their goal is the promote inclusive play “especially those who are often segregated from their peers”.  This playground to help all children feel welcomed and included in a judgement free space where they can enjoy playing outdoors. 

physical activities special needs children
CPW Pioneer Club for disable child
westchester physical therapy

CPW Pioneer Club

This one is for adults ages 18 and up! This is a social club for people with disabilities residing in or around Westchster County. They go on to shows, weekend trips, participate in recreational activities, barbecues, holiday parties, and more.

Northern BraveHearts

Northern Brave Hearts are a relitivly new hockey team in Brewster, NY. They started in 2018 for children with special needs they typically meet the first Saturday of the month. For further information contact Makimyadies at 914-960-3388.

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CPW Basketball

Ceribral Palsy of Westchester offers a basketball program for children and young adults who reside in Westchester County and are eligible for services through OPWDD. It is two Saturdays a month September through June.

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North East Westchester Special Recreations

This is a community-based therapeutic recreation agency serving children and adults with developmental disabilities. They offer a variety of activities for the North East Region of Westchester NY in efforts for all their participants to enjoy recreational actives despite cognitive or physical imitations.

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Endeavor is a International Premier Accredited Center, American Hippotherapy Association member Facility, and a not-for-profit corporation in Bedford Hill, NY. Endeavor offers therapeutic riding lessons for individuals with special needs and/or recreational riding lessons. Endeavors riding for special needs has some great benefits, their hipotherapy riding program helps children with physical limitations learn the feeling of walking through the horse and it is considered a physical therapy that the student can also enjoy in the outdoors. And their therapy riding also is helpful to their students in learning to be clam with the horse and in nature.

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Burke Adaptive Sports & Fitness

Burke Rehabilitation Hospital offers a variety of sports and fitness classes for people with physical and intellectual disabilities.

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CPW Explores

Cerebral Palsy of Westchester has a sports program open to children ages 5-21 with all types of different abilities. Dates and time vary while the program only runs during school breaks.

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Adaptive Crossfit

Crossfit Somers offers an adaptive class for children of all abilities to work on strength, coordination, balance, mobility, and core strengthening.

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New York Special Olympics

New York special Olympics is state wide for individuals with intellectual disabilities that would like to be challenged in a competitive setting. They offer a wide variety of activities and sports.

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Helen Hayes Hospital Adapted Sports & Recreation

This recreational program offers a huge variety of activities to participate in in the West Haverstaw area. From golf to kayaking, archery to video games they strive to give individuals with disabilities opportunities to participate in recreational and competitive events

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Holiday Valley

The Lounsbury Adaptive Program provide to people with cognitive and physical disabilities. Some include, spinal cord injuries, Downs Syndrome, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment, autism and developmental delay. The Lounsbury Program has approximately 50 volunteer instructors who are specially trained in adaptive ski teaching methods. More than half of the instructors are certified by the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA).

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Reach Swim Academy

Reach Swim Academy is a swimming school in Bronx, NY for children of all abilities and needs. They offer a variety of small classes, and children a grouped together depending on their unique abilities.

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This Summer program is for individuals with disabilities ages 5-21 that are OPWDD eligible. It runs Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm for six weeks starting in June. Participants enjoy age appropriate activities from swimming to crafts, and trips and special events.

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Topfield Equestrian Center

Topfield Equestrian Center offers a therapeutic horseback riding program in Cold Spring, New York. The program is for for individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities to work on skills such as balance and muscle tone, motor coordination, self confidence, and more.

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Capital Region Nordic Alliance

Capital Region Nordic Alliance is a round year sporting program for people with disabilities or special needs. Their mission is to provide a safe and inclusive environment for individuals to enjoy sports in the outdoors, with sport specific education and mentoring by trained and certified staff.

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STRIDE offers adaptive snowboard and skiing lessons at three mountain resorts in New England: Jiminy Peak Mountain, Catamount Mountain, and Ski Sundown. Their volunteer instructors teach individuals with developmental, intellectual, and/or physical disabilities. Their lessons are two and a half hours per and run from November to April. STRIDE is an official PSIA-E member school as well as a member of Move United, a Paralympic Sports Club, and Special Olympics Training Club.

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